Monday, 31 October 2011


It is Halloween! On the night before Halloween we had an event here on the farm...we made a big fire and cooked cinnamon doughnuts dutch oven style. It was a big hit!

After eating doughnuts, we all moved into the candle lit living room, to hear "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow," read by Colin, our resident lore master.

 HALLOWEEN!! Our first one ever! Riley, my beautiful and talented gypsy friend, was kind enough to make me a ninja headdress to wear for this special occasion of "Trick or Treat"-ing.

A Ninja duo in action
 Trick or Treat! Here follows some photos to describe the mood of the evening. Riley and Henry; thank you so very much for letting us join you! You guys are awesome.

Some people really put effort into it!

Some witchiness...

Jerry the farmer...


  1. Aw, it was so fun sharing Halloween. Elsja, I love the Converse Ninja Shoes! :o)

  2. IT WAS AWESOME!!! I had SO much fun!
