Sunday 27 November 2011

Thanksgiving and a weekend with the Williams'

It is that time of year. We spent our first American thanksgiving with the Greens. Wow! What a feast. There were about 40 + people all enjoying the festivities. MASSIVE turkey.

Allan caught in the act...

Being thanksgiving weekend, Woodcrest farm became a very busy venue! Russell and I were invited to spend the weekend with our friends the Williams'. It has been a magical relaxing time consisting of reading, good chats, good music, wonderful walks, art, decorating the christmas tree and just good, old fashioned relaxing. 
We are very grateful for this time we had.

Riley and Joe getting a fresh christmas tree

Ahhhhhh Yeahhhhh!!!! That's what I'm talking about!

Henry caught in the act!

Stringing popcorn and cranberries! This is what fresh cranberries look like!!

Wood walks with Katherine and the kids


A tree frog that really liked Russell


Spot the frog?

Golden finch feather

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!! :D Its so much fun having you guys around! I will be sad when you leave. Be sure to give us your address once you are settled in New Zealand!
